Straight Stairlifts are the easiest type of stairlift to install and therefore less expensive than other non straight stairtlifts. This type of stairlift will require that you have a straight set of stairs by which the straight stairlift will go up and down. If you have a staircase that turns at the top it is possible to buy a bridging platform so that the stairlift will reach the landing, most straight stairlifts can be fitted with bridging platforms.


In many situations it is possible to install two straight stairlifts rather than a curved stairlift, this is often cheaper. This will mean that the user will have to change from one seat to the next at somepoint in the process of going up or down stairs.


The straight stairlift will be made in the factory to your requirements and then brought for installation, sometimes it may be created into two pieces if access for one long straight stairlift rail is not possible. The straight stairlift track will start on the floor at the bottom of the stairs and finish at the last step so the footrest is level with the landing.



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